1-600 Scale

ATEM 60001        Ratlines for Sailing Ships

Selection of various sized ratlines to fit sailing ships of the 1/600 to 1/700 scales of kit. These ratlines may be trimmed to size and height to suit the location to which they are being fitted.  Larger sets are available in the 1/500 range.

Suitable for the Warlord Range of Ships  Frigates, Sloops, Bomb Ships  etc.    

Price £ 3.60 GBP Plus Postage

Noew Available

ATEM 60003  HMS Devonshire Detail Set

Detail set for the Airfix 1/600 scale HMS Devonshire kit.

Contains the parts to make the large 965 Double Bedstead Radar Antenna and the Sea Slug Missile Launcher. plus many more parts to liven up the old Airfix kit from the early 1960s

Price £12.25 plus Postage  Now Available

ATEM 60005  HMS Cossack Detail Set

Detail set for the Airfix 1/600 scale HMS Cossack kit. Includes two types of lattice mast so that a late war Tribal can be made from the kit, as well as the general fittings to improve or add to the detail in the kit.

Price £8.45 plus postage     Now Available

ATEM 60007 RN Pattern Railings and Ladders Set

A generic set of stock lengths of railings found on RN ships both Pre and Post WW2. There is also a selection of inclined ladders of varying length and pattern to suit most locations on a ship. 

Price £7.45 GB Pounds plus postage

Now Available

ATEM 60009 HMS Amazon Detail Set

Detail set for the Airfix 1/600 scale HMS Amazon kit. Includes Tailored to fit railings, Yardarms, Flight Deck

Safety Nets, Hangar and Helicopter fittings, Boat Davits

Mast Details, Air Intake Box Assemblies, Catwalks, Walkways and Platforms not included in the kit.

£10.95 Plus Postage  plus postage         Now Available

ATEM 60011 Narvik Class Destroyer

This detail set is designed to fit the Airfix Narvik kit and replace such

items as the radar antennas, moulded mine rail track, boat cranes and

AA guns, as well as provide additional detail in the form of tailored to

fit railings, mast details, doors, ladders, boat fittings etc.

Price £9.75  plus postage  Now Available

ATEM 60013 HMS Daring Detail Set

This detail set is designed to fit the Airfix HMS Daring (D05)kit from

the 1950s era.  The set includes replacement fore mast, tailored to fit railings, catwalks, life raft racks, funnel platforms, boat davits and fittings and radar antennas.

Price £7.75 plus postage

Now Available  

ATEM 60015 HMS Suffolk Detail Set

This detail set is designed to fit the Airfix HMS Suffolk, Heavy Cruiser kit from the 1950s era.  The set includes  tailored to fit railings, life raft racks, funnel platforms, boat davits and many fittings.

Price £14.35 plus postage  Now Available

ATEM 60017 HMS Victorious Air Wing Fittings

This detail set is designed to fit the Aircraft in the Airfix HMS Victorious kit from the 1960s era. The set includes fittings for the Sea Vixens, Scimitars and Sky Raiders as well as a Salvage Crane and Tow Tractors

Price £9.40 plus postage  Now Available

ATEM 60019 HMS Belfast Detail Set 1/600

This detail set is designed to fit the Airfix HMS Belfast kit from the WW2 era. The set includes the lattice masts that were fitted to the post WW2 fit ship, for anyone who wishes to modernise their model.

Price £21.45  plus postage  Now Available

ATEM 60021 HMS Iron Duke  Detail Set 1/600

ATEM 60002  HMS Leander Detail Set

This detail set has been designed to enhance the Airfix 1/600 scale kit of HMS Leander, and other ships of that class. There are extras included such as the Hollands LW-02 Radar antenna for those wishing to model the Dutch or Australian variants. A mass of replacement and additional parts. 

Price £10.95 GB Pounds  Now Available

ATEM 60004  HMS Tiger Detail Set

Detail set for the Airfix 1/600 scale HMS Tiger kit.

This set contains parts to enhance the HMS Tiger kit as it appeared in it's all gun cruiser configuration. Tailored to fit railings for the main decks and platforms, replacement masts, radars and antennas, crane jib and boat fittings are among the items provided.

Price £9.75 Plus Postage  Now Available

ATEM 60006  RN Pattern Doors & Hatches Set

Set of RN Pattern Doors and Hatches that cover the 20th Century era of warships in service with the Royal Navy.

Includes the special type of doors found on the Type 21 Amazon class Frigates.

Price £4.25 plus Postage  Now Available

ATEM 60008  HMS Hotspur Detail Set

Detail set for the Airfix 1/600 scale HMS Hotspur kit. Includes parts so that other G, H and I class Fleet Destroyers can be made from the kit, as well as the general fittings to improve or add to the detail in the kit.

Price £7.95 plus postage       Now Available

ATEM 60010 Fast Minelayer HMS Manxman Detail Set

Detail set for the Airfix 1/600 scale HMS Manxman kit. Includes parts so that other early Abdiel class Fast Minelayers can be made from the kit, as well as the general fittings to improve or add to the detail in the kit.

Price £9.60 GB Pounds  plus postage     Now Available

ATEM 60012 HMS Fearless/ HMS Intrepid Detail Set

ATEM 60012  HMS Fearless/ HMS Intrepid 1/600 Scale

A photo etched detail set for the Airfix HMS Fearless kit that includes Yardarms, Tailored to fit Railings, Boat and Landing Craft Davits, Crane jibs, Additional Deck Houses, Details for the Wessex Helicopters and the LCU's and more.           

Price £14.75 plus postage  Now Availble


ATEM 60014 Merchant Ship And Ocean Liner

Railings and Ladders

This set contains long lengths of railings suitable for fitting to the Airfix Ocean liners in 1/600 and also the Revell kits in 1/570 scales.

There are 5 Bar, 4 bar and single bar railings, end sections and an assortment of inclined ladders.

Price £12.85 plus postage  Now Available

ATEM 60016 Aircraft Carrier  HMS Victorious

This detail set is designed to fit the Airfix Aircraft Carrier HMS Victorious kit from the 1960s era. The set includes tailored to fit railings, lattice mast, Radar, Catwalks, Safety Nets, Aircraft Parts and many fittings.

Price £22.45 plus postage  Now Available

ATEM 60018 WW2 Royal Navy Anti Aircraft Weapons

This set of extra AA weapons has been produced to provide the quantities of the smaller AA Weapons not called for in the kit instructions due to the

modeller converting or upgrading the model. This set includes copius amounts of single and twin 20mm Oerlikons as well as more of the 40mm 

mountings that apear in twin, quadruple and octuple mountings

Price £8.75 plus postage  Now Available

ATEM 60020 HMS Ajax  Detail Set 1/600

This detail set is designed to fit the Airfix HMS Ajax kit from the River Plate era through to 1941. The set includes bridge plate set so that kit parts can be improved, as well as new searchlight platforms and boat trestles. Tailored to fit railings and modified 4" gun enclosures will help make the kit more as it should be.

Price £16.35  plus postage  Now Available.

ATEM 60022 ?????????? Detail Set 1/600